These venues have silenced artists showing solidarity with Palestine or have material links to the genocide.
View on Instagram1) Issue a full public apology for deplatforming artists. 2) Publicly call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire.
View on InstagramIs boycotting Berghain just ‘cancel culture’? Addressing FAQs on the boycott.
View on InstagramLearn more about the strike fund making boycotts possible, how to access it, and how to contribute.
Downloadable social media assets for sharing on Instagram.
If you’re an artist and need support related to the boycott (including but not limited to the strike fund), please fill out this form. We’re here for you.
“Palestine demands that all of us, as writers and artists, consider ourselves in principled solidarity with the long cultural Intifada that is built alongside and in collaboration with the material Intifada.”
Join the conversation with fellow DAA signers here!
Spotlight campaigns for Gazan families in need of support.
Summary of our last town hall announcements, discussion, and shared resources
“Inspired by the boycotts that led to the end of apartheid in South Africa, PACBI acknowledges the role of culture in enabling or resisting structures of oppression. The boycott refuses to let Israel artwash its reputation.”
“In the context of a boycott campaign, co-resistance unsettles the binary of action and non-action, instead channeling creative social energies from one field of action to another.”
“We begin with the assumption that art does not transcend the political conditions under which it is exhibited, and that artists are increasingly assuming the agency to demand that their art be shown and circulated in accordance with their ethics and solidarities.”